NSW Department of Education policies
Visit the NSW Department of Education’s policy library for all current operational policies.
Our school uses the department's School Community Charter to ensure all of our communication is collaborative and respectful.
Attendance and absences
Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options.
In NSW, all children from the age of 6 are legally required to attend school or be registered for home schooling through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). All students must complete Year 10, or its equivalent and remain in school, employment or training until they turn 17.
For more information about compulsory school attendance, visit:
KPS School Procedures
The following documents explain the framework and procedures the school uses to organise each school year.
KPS Community Language Program Guidelines
KPS Homework Procedure (pdf 175 KB)
KPS Movement of Vehicles On Site Procedure (pdf 120 KB)
2023 KPS Parent Carer Code of Conduct
2023 KPS Student Wellbeing Handbook
2023 KPS School Behaviour Support and Management Plan
KPS Swimming and Water Safety Procedure
Visitors on Site at Kensington Public School Registration Procedures
Rules & Discipline
Effective self-discipline is the ideal we strive for, and high standards are expected from all students.
Behaviour Code for Students
NSW public schools are committed to providing safe, supportive and responsive learning environments for everyone. We teach and model the behaviours we value in our students.
In NSW public schools students are expected to:
• Respect other students, their teachers and school staff and community members
• Follow school and class rules and follow the directions of their teachers
• Strive for the highest standards in learning
• Respect all members of the school community and show courtesy to all students, teachers and community members
• Resolve conflict respectfully, calmly and fairly
• Comply with the school's uniform policy or dress code
• Attend school every day (unless legally excused)
• Respect all property
• Not be violent or bring weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco into our schools
• Not bully, harass, intimidate or discriminate against anyone in our schools
Schools take strong action in response to behaviour that is detrimental to self or others or to the achievement of high quality teaching and learning. Promoting the learning, wellbeing and safety of all students in NSW Public Schools is a high priority for the Department of Education and Communities. We implement teaching and learning approaches to support the development of skills needed by students to meet our high standards for respectful, safe and engaged behaviour.
Behaviour Expectations
All students, staff and community members of Kensington Public School are supported by and committed to three core values: Honour, Knowledge and Community. These values were developed through intensive consultation with all key stake holders and underpin the behaviour expectations for various school settings including: classroom, playground, hall, canteen, library, corridors and before and after school transitions. General expectations which apply at all times are described as ‘all settings.’
Responding To Inappropriate Behaviour
KPS staff refer to the DoE Student Behaviour Code, KPS Behaviour Management Flowchart, KPS Behaviour Definitions and relevant DoE Policies and Procedures when making decisions about the most appropriate response to inappropriate behaviour. At the forefront of all behaviour response is the re-teaching of expected behaviour and the support of student reflection. Behaviour is documented, so as to ensure clear communication amongst staff and to support appropriate interventions for repeated or serious misdemeanours.
The principal and school staff, using their professional judgment are best placed to maintain discipline and provide safe, supportive and responsive learning environments.
Teachers will use their discretion/common sense when deciding if a particular action is serious or minor. However, a minor misdemeanour can become serious if continually repeated, in spite of warnings.
There will be cases of unacceptable behaviour (including violence, aggression or repeated disobedience) where it willbe in the best interests of the school community and/or thestudent involved, for the student to be removed from the school for a period of time or completely. Suspension and expulsion are the options available to the principal in these situations.
At all times parents' support will be sought, as well as other support available (eg. school counsellor).
These strategies need to be viewed in the context of the full "Student Wellbeing Handbook" which is accessible via this website. Copies are available from the Administration Office.