Kensington Public School

Honour, Knowledge and Community

Telephone02 9663 3955

Religion and ethics

NSW public schools offer special religious education and special education in ethics, delivered by approved providers wherever available.

Write to the school if you wish to withdraw your child from special religious education, sometimes known as scripture. Special education in ethics is an option for your primary-age child if you withdraw them from special religious education. For more information, visit Religion and ethics.

NSW public schools allow time for Special Religious Education (SRE) and Special Education in Ethics (SEE, where authorised teachers of approved providers are available.

At Kensington Public School, the implementation of Religion and Ethics reflects NSW DoE policy and procedures for Special Religious Education (SRE) and Special Education in Ethics (SEE) classes.

Kensington Public School supports SRE and SEE by:

  • ensuring no academic instruction or formal school activities occur during time set aside for SRE/SEE;
  • providing adequate learning facilities for the delivery of
    SRE/SEE during school hours; and
  • providing families with access to current information about SRE/SEE.

At Kensington Public School, SRE is delivered on Wednesdays from 1:45pm until 2:45pm for all students  K - 6.

Upon enrolment, parents/carers will be provided with the SRE letter to complete and return. After the initial enrolment, any notification of changes to a child's enrolment in SRE should be provided to the school administration staff in the office in writing.

The following SRE classes are offered at Kensington Public School:-

Special Religious Education (SRE): Anglican SRE

Anglican Scripture introduces children to the Bible and the message of who Jesus is in a fun and enagaging way. Interactive classes are taught by trained SRE volunteers from St Martin's Anglican Church, Kensington. The high quality approved curriculum (Connect) allows children to explore matters of life and faith together. For more information about the curriculum scope and sequences, please visit the Christian Education website (Connect).

Special Religious Education (SRE): Catholic SRE

Catholic SRE is provided by the Catholic Diocese of Sydney, Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, Kensington. Lessons include activities that are fun and inclusive for students, whilst also providing them with the opportunity to critically explore in depth their faith and to pray and reflect. For more informatio about the Catholic SRE, including the curriculum scope and sequence, please visit the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney website.

Special Religious Education (SRE): Greek Orthodox

SRE or Scripture, compliments the general education of Greek Orthodox children. Scripture classes focus on an Orthodox way of life and identity. The lessons include much more than Bible knowledge. They assist in developing the religious sense of each child. Children are shown how to pray, the importance of the Sacraments in our life and feasts of the Orthodox Church. For more information about the Greek Orthodox Curriculum and scope and sequence, please visit the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia website.

Special Religious Education (SRE): Jewish SRE

BJE provides a structured curriculum for students in Jewish ‘Scripture’ classes. Students are encouraged to feel positive about being Jewish and to identify with the Jewish community. They learn about Jewish holidays, values, synagogue basics, and Israel. Older children also explore ethical aspects of Judaism and explore some areas of Jewish history. Basic Jewish prayers are incorporated into each lesson. Where possible, lessons are also enriched with activities such as demonstration Sedarim for Pesach (Passover), hands-on experiences, craft activities, guest presenters and visits from Jewish youth groups. Please visit the Jewish SRE website.

Special Education in Ethics (SEE): Ethics

SEE is provided by Primary Ethics. For more information about SEE, including the authorised curriculum scope and sequence, please visit the Primary Ethics website.

Special Religious Education (SRE): Islam

Islamic SRE is provided by Islamic Council of NSW. For more information about Islamic SRE, including the authorised curriculum scope and sequence, please visit the Islamic Council of NSW website.

Special Religious Education (SRE): Buddhist

The Buddhist Council of New South Wales is the peak body representing more than 120 Buddhist temples and societies. The Buddhist Council represents the Buddhist community to government, media and other religious faith groups and operates the largest and most comprehensive Buddhist SRE program. Each week, trained SRE teachers provide lessons that relate to the teachings and principles of Buddhism. The Buddhist Council’s SRE Program contains a syllabus that represents the core teachings of all Buddhist traditions and focuses on values and life skills. The following link provides information on the Buddhist SRE program.

During the time that SRE/SEE classes are being held, students not attending will be located in a separate space and will participate in meaningful activities including reading, private study or completing homework.