Kensington Public School

Honour, Knowledge and Community

Telephone02 9663 3955

About our school

Our School

At Kensington Public School we are committed to empowering every student with the knowledge and skills required to achieve their full potential across all aspects of academic, social, emotional and physical learning. At the foundation of all school practices and procedures are our core values: Knowledge, Honour and Community.

We recognise students as individuals and actively encourage all learners to be resilient, critical and creative thinkers who effectively collaborate, communicate and build positive relationships with others. We provide rich and supportive learning environments, designed to provide our students with opportunities to develop the technological skills required to participate successfully in our global community.

Our students are taught by outstanding teachers with high expectations who model a commitment to life-long learning and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Strong partnerships between teachers, students and parents are essential in achieving an inclusive, culturally-rich and nurturing learning environment that prepares students to be active, responsible citizens and future-focused learners.

School Aims

At Kensington Public School we aim to provide:

  • a secure, caring, enjoyable and equitable learning environment in which children are nurtured as they learn
  • interesting and stimulating learning experiences and opportunities whereby each student may experience enjoyment, achievement, satisfaction and recognition from learning
  • a sense of personal and social responsibility for children's actions and decisions
  • structures in the school environment, curriculum and services so that the health and safety of students is protected and enhanced
  • programs to encourage initiative on the part of individual pupils through the implementation of challenging academic programs
  • effective discipline and remedial programs for individual children, when necessary, to help them to develop responsibility for their own actions and to encourage them to form worthwhile and stable relationships with other members of the school community
  • opportunities for students to make a useful contribution to the life of the school
  • recognition of diversity within the school community and provision of programs which support and acknowledge differences and promote harmony
  • programs which will promote active participation, tolerance and acceptance of differing opinions, lifestyles, cultures and free communication of ideas
  • recognition of the role that the school plays as a resource to link families with community support services

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